Better Basics Milling Company

Rhubarb Crisp

Rhubarb Crisp

I came across this super easy sourdough discard rhubarb crisp recipe on Instagram. It was 100% as easy as it sounded and a new family favourite!

- 4 cups of chopped rhubarb

- 5 cups of fresh or frozen strawberries


2/3 cup of flour. (Better breadRed Fife Multi, or Whole Grain are all fantastic options)

1 cup oats

1/2 cup coconut sugar or brown sugar

1/2 tsp cinnamon 

1/2 cup butter

1/2 discard


In a 10” cast iron skillet, add:

- chopped rhubarb

- fresh or frozen strawberries 
(Be sure the skillet is filled with fruit, adjust your cups accordingly) 
*add more strawberries if you prefer sweeter

- add your rhubarb and strawberries to your skillet. Adjust your filling depending on the size of your skillet. If you prefer sweeter, add more strawberries.

- combine flour, oats, and sugar in a separate bowl and mix together. 

- add in butter and combine until crumbly. 

- add discard and mix thoroughly. (don't be afraid to get your hands in there.)

Spread crumble on top of rhubarb/strawberry mix and bake at 400 degrees for 35-40mins.


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