Better Basics Milling Company

Sourdough Discard Brownies

Sourdough Discard Brownies

Who can resist a freshly baked batch of chocolate brownies? This is my go-to recipe for brownies with a chewy melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich flavour. Careful with these, once you have one you will be going back for more. 


  • 8 Tbsp (110g) of unsalted butter
  • 300g of semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 tsp of vanilla extract
  • ½ cup (40g)  cacao powder or regular cocoa powder
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
  • ½ cup 110g coconut sugar
  • ½ cup (125g) sourdough discard
  • 1 cup (125g) red fife multipurpose flour
  • 1 tsp (5g) salt

  1. On medium-low heat, melt your butter and chocolate chips, stir in your vanilla extract and cacao powder. Stir until incorporated and set aside to allow to cool. 
  2. With your stand mixer with whisk attachment (or large bowl with electric mixer) add eggs, granulated sugar and coconut sugar. Beat on medium high speed for 10 mins.
  3. Add sourdough discard and chocolate mixture to sugar and egg mixture and beat on low to combine.
  4. Add your flour and salt to your mixture and incorporate on low for 10 sec. Do no over mix. 
  5. Pour batter into a 9x9 parchment lined baking dish. Bake for 40 mins at 350 F.
  6. Let cool completely in a baking dish. I then like to pop the dish into the fridge for a while, I find the brownies cut cleaner when completely chilled first.



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